Proposition 203, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, protects patients from state prosecution for using limited amounts of marijuana on their doctor’s recommendation. Qualifying patients who register with the Arizona Department of Health Services will obtain marijuana…

The mission of Marijuana Evaluations, is to provide each patient with the feeling of being welcomed and truly cared for, with dignity and respect. We seek to protect our patients by providing a safe, secure and confidential setting. We operate with the complete understanding that our sole purpose, and the reason why we exist as a medical practice is to assist our patients in fulfilling the highest quality of life. We are here to help!

The term “medical marijuana” refers to the use of the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant and its pure extracts to treat a disease or improve a symptom. It must be sourced from a medicinal-grade cannabis plant that has been meticulously grown without the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers.Marijuana’s incredible healing properties come from its high cannabidiol (CBD) content and critical levels of medical terpenes and flavonoids. It also contains some tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the molecule that gives the psychoactive effect, which most recreational users are after. Through traditional plant breeding techniques and seed exchanges, growers have started producing cannabis plants that have higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC for medical use

Arizona voters approved Proposition 203 in 2010, an initiative that legalized the medical use of marijuana. The Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) was given the task to regulate the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA).The AMMA allows state-licensed doctors to recommend medical marijuana to Arizonans that have at least one qualifying condition. With a recommendation, a patient can get an Arizona medical marijuana card which allows them to purchase, possess, and use marijuana. A patient can purchase up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana from a state-licensed dispensary every 2 weeks and posses up to 2.5 ounces at any time
No: While CBD still has an effect on your body, consuming CBD by itself isn’t going to send you on the cerebral adventure associated with THC. For decades, medical professionals and the general public overlooked CBD because psychoactive cannabis took center stage